A Guide to Federal Wood Innovation Grants Available This Fall
What You Need to Know Before the December Deadline...
Information on how to apply for federal wood innovation grants in three product areas will be available in October, according to information discussed in a Forest Resources Association webinar. Applications will need to be submitted in mid-December, according to the U.S. Forest Service’s wood innovations group.
The three programs (available through a competitive process) are:
Wood innovation grants, which support the development of new forest products. The maximum award amount is $300,000 and grants require a match by the applicant.
Community wood energy grants. These grants are for a maximum of $1 million and may cover up to 35% of total capital costs.
Establishing a wood processing facility. (Requires proximity to U.S. federal or Indian lands.) Assists with funding stationary equipment purchases for advanced manufacturing, wood energy, and other uses, up to $1 million.
Forest Service specialists are available to answer questions about the program:
More information on the innovation grant program is available here: /https://www.fs.usda.gov/sites/...