A Look at: Our Quarter 4 data
Pricing trends vary in both regions and states, according to FDN

MADISON, Wis. – Pale colors on the screen of Forest Data Network’s Prime database were evidence of solid, but not flashy index stumpage prices in the 4th quarter of 2022. The more pallid tones reflected steady trends: slowing growth or stability but few notable falls. Vivid colors on the FDN Prime screen show volatility, and there was some of that but not much.
Solid trends were particularly in evidence in hardwood sawlogs like white and red oak and even stronger in sugar maple.
There were some very solid performers. Wisconsin and Michigan hard maple forests had sawlogs deliver strong pricing, including increases of 20% in Wisconsin and of $100/mbf over the last two years in Michigan. These good hardwood prices were widespread too: Wisconsin hard maple prices were over $400 in four regions and over $300 in eight regions.
Q: How can I get all this timber data?
A: Our Core Timber Pricing Software FDN Prime
Minnesota relies on Oak not maple for premier hardwood volume, and it showed in red oak prices that were up over $100/mbf from the two prior years. Meanwhile, oak sawlogs tended toward flatter prices in Michigan and red oak logs were flat with previous years in Michigan.
Robust black walnut pricing continued, particularly in Wisconsin where sales of the species ranged across the geography of Southern and Central Wisconsin. But the strongest prices were recorded in the Milwaukee region where sawlogs went for over $4,500/mbf!
As new home sales slowed later in 2022, the pine market softened in all three states. FDN Wisconsin index sawlog prices dropped below $100/mbf 10 years. Meanwhile, Michigan pine cordwood prices averaged below $40/cord. Meanwhile, Minnesota prices dipped below $75/mbf.