High School Forestry Skills Camp
From the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association

The Forestry Skills Camp is a FREE, one-week residential camp offered July 21-26, 2024 at Central Wisconsin Environmental Station (CWES). It is designed for High School juniors and seniors that are curious about careers in forestry. CWES is a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) field station located in Amherst Junction, Wis.
This camp is designed to give students hands-on experience in forest safety, tree identification, chainsaw operation and safety, portable sawmills, lumber drying kilns, and mechanized harvesting.
By the end of the week, students will earn 1 credit in Forestry 350 at UWSP and will gain relevant skills in forestry careers.
Apply to attend camp by April 26. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance no later than May 1, 2024. Space is limited.
Students will be asked to complete the following short essays:
- In 300 words or less, describe why you want to participate in the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point's Forestry Skills Camp.
- In 300 words or less, describe how you think the skills you will learn at the Skills Camp will be useful in your future career.
For questions, please contact Jared Schroeder, WFC high school curriculum manager, at jared.schroeder@uwsp.edu or 715-346-2084