Pine pricing shows historic strength in mid-2022
Pricing trends vary in both regions and states, according to FDN

MADISON, Wis. – Pine sawlog and pulpwood prices showed historic strength across much of the Lake States region in the quarter that ended on Jun 30, 2022, according to Forest Data Network’s index prices. Variability showed between regions for the species, and the higher relative pricing was pronounced in Wisconsin and Minnesota but weaker in Michigan during the recent period.
FDN’s database reflects tens of thousands of historical transactions from harvests on a variety of public and private lands in the three states, making it the most detailed source on the region’s pricing trends The number of transactions tracked by FDN has been growing since its recent founding.
During the most recent period, FDN’s data also showed strength in the major hardwood species of maple, in particular, but also in oak. The maple strength was notable for sugar maple sawlogs in both Michigan and Wisconsin statewide averages (although there was strong variability between regions in both states and between the states).
An FDN regional report subscription here allows tracking of all species prevalent in your region.
The maple boom skipped Minnesota where the species population is lower. The data reflected no hard maple sawlogs harvested there during the quarter.
However, pine cordwood prices were high in the Gopher State with the price breaking above $40 per cord for the first time in five years. This strength reflected the pine cordwood trend across all three states.
Wisconsin’s statewide FDN index price for pine was over $50 per cord in the quarter. Five of the state’s regions showed average prices above $50.
Pine prices vary by region. You can check prices via cost-efficient FDN regional report subscriptions here.
Oak prices were also up, but nowhere near as vigorous as maple prices. Sawlog prices for oak were up in all three states, but at a more measured pace.
Many other species reflected local variances based on specific trends driven by local demand for specific products. Some of the premium hardwoods like black walnut in Minnesota and cherry in all three states held at pricing from prior years. The most recent period did not record as many black walnut transactions as past periods, despite an abundance of black walnut buyers in Wisconsin.
FDN occasionally receives questions on data processes and sources from readers, including comparisons between FDN price reports and state reports available from a public agency based on sales on public lands.
FDN report subscribers have information available quarterly, which allows them to track seasonal pricing and also market price shifts, which occur frequently particularly in periods of economic volatility.
Also, FDN is looking to add more private data to its information to make our index pricing more accurately reflect the market. If you have private data that we can incorporate in our index pricing reports anonymously, please contact us. We would be glad to provide you with a free quarterly report in exchange for harvest data compiled by a certified forester from your state.
For other questions about our index price reports or our FDN Prime database (with data available down to the county level), we would welcome hearing from you at