Fake wood floors use PVC, a toxic chemical

PVC is a toxic plastic that has recently been used in production of fake wood flooring.

Image courtesy of Pexels from Pixabay

Fast Company, a magazine that closely covers the world of fast growing businesses, focused attention in a February article on what it called “toxic health risks” arising from the PVC content of fake wood vinyl flooring that has overtaken hardwoods in much of U.S. home construction.

“PVC products are dangerous to make, both for workers and communities nearby. They can potentially be dangerous to use because of additives,” the article says. “When they’re thrown out, that can lead to more pollution. And products like vinyl flooring keep growing, despite the fact that safer alternatives exist.”

The article points out that PVC is generally made from chlorine gas derived from mercury.

The “wood” vinyl manufacturing process in China using the chlorine gas results in dioxins, which are carcinogens, that end up in the atmosphere and the food chain.

The article can be found here:

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