Pricing Reports

Forest Data Network, for several years, has offered annual subscriptions in quarterly sawlog and cordwood pricing reports in the Lake States alongside our most robust service– the FDN Prime cloud-based database.

We will be offering two alternatives to these quarterly reports in 2025 – the FDN Prime database (which is continually available and updated) and simpler one-time reports available quarterly.

All quarterly report subscriptions in existence as of December 31, 2024 will be fulfilled in 2025, but report subscriptions will not renew as they run out.

The FDN Prime database is a detailed, rich and unparalleled resource. More information about it can be found here and we can provide you with a demonstration of the database at your request. Please call or email with questions or for special pricing information for report subscribers

We will also be offering simpler one-time reports on pricing for the Lake States in 2025 for smaller forest landowners who need a benchmark for stumpage prices in their region.

Watch for more info.

We're making these changes in an effort to make sure our product offerings are the best fit possible for forest manager and forest landowners management information needs.

We welcome your thoughts on these changes now or in the future by email at or by phone at 608-620-4776.

Real-Time, On-Demand Pricing

Get full real-time access based on thousands of individual sales transactions in the Forest Data Network database, at any time.